Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions

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SO 8

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Low Power Dual Operational Amplifiers

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The AS358/358A consist of two independent, high gain and internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers, they are specifically designed to operate from a single power supply. Operation from split power supply is also possible and the low power supply current drain is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltages. Typical applications include transducer amplifiers, DC gain blocks and most conventional operational amplifier circuits. The AS358/358A series are compatible with industry standard 358. AS358A has more stringent input offset voltage than AS358.


  • Battery Charger
  • Cordless Telephone
  • Switching Power Supply

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Compliance (Only Automotive supports PPAP) Standard
AEC Qualified No
Number of Channels 2
Minimum Supply Voltage (V) 3 V
Maximum Supply Voltage (V) 36 V
Supply Current @ 5V (per Op Amp) (mA) 0.5 mA
Input Offset Voltage typ (mV) 2 mV
Input Bias Current typ (nA) 20 nA
Minimum Input Common Mode Voltage (V) V- V
Maximum Input Common Mode Voltage (V) V+ -1.5 V
Output Current Source (mA) 40 mA
Output Current Sink (mA) 15 mA
Rail-Rail None
Operating Ambient Temperature Range (°C) -40 to 85 °C

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Product Change Notices (PCNs)

A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
PCN-2568 2022-03-29 2022-03-29 Qualified Additional Assembly & Test (A/T) Sites, Bill of Material, and updated Data Sheets for Package Outline Dimension Change
PCN-2548 2021-10-08 2022-01-08 Additional Wafer Source (JKFAB), New Bill of Materials (BOM) with PdCu Bond Wire, and Assembly/Test (A/T) Site (CAT)
PCN-2527 2021-06-09 2021-09-09 Additional Wafer Source (GFAB, JKFAB), New Bill of Materials (BOM) with PdCu Bond Wire, and Additional Assembly/Test
(A/T) Site (CAT)
PCN-2492 2020-11-04 2021-05-04 Device End of Life (EOL)
PCN-2481 2020-08-26 2021-02-26 Device End of Life (EOL)