Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions

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AP65400 (Obsolete)

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The AP65400 is a 340kHz switching frequency external compensated synchronous DC/DC buck converter. It has integrated low RDSON high and low side MOSFETs.
The AP65400 enables continues load current of up to 4A with efficiency as high as 96%.
The AP65400 implements an automatic custom light load efficiency improvement algorithm.
The AP65400 features current mode control operation, which enables fast transient response times and easy loop stabilization.
The AP65400 simplifies board layout and reduces space requirements with its high level of integration and minimal need for external components, making it ideal for distributed power architectures.
The AP65400 is available in a standard Green SO-8EP package and is RoHS compliant.


  • Gaming Consoles
  • Flat Screen TV sets and Monitors
  • Set Top Boxes
  • Distributed power systems
  • Home Audio
  • Consumer electronics
  • Network Systems
  • FPGA, DSP and ASIC Supplies
  • Green Electronics

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Compliance(Only Automotive supports PPAP) Standard
Efficiency (%) 96
Frequency Typ (Hz) 340
Frequency Typ (kHz) 340
HS RDS(ON) (mΩ) 80
HS RDS(ON) (mΩ) 80
LS RDS(ON) (mΩ) 32
LS RDS(ON) (mΩ) 32
MaximumInput Voltage (V) 18
Maximum Input Voltage (V) 18
Maximum Output Voltage (V) 16
MinimumInput Voltage (V) 4.75
Minimum Input Voltage (V) 4.75
Minimum Output Voltage (V) 0.925
Output Current (mA) 4
Output Current (A) 4
Output Voltage (V) 0.925 to 16
Quiescent Current Typ (mA) 0.3
Quiescent Current Typ (µA) 300
Shutdown Current Typ (µA) 0.3
Shutdown Current Typ (µA) 0.3
Type Buck

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