USB Type-C 的複雜性與操作方式
作者:初級應用工程師 Muhammad Zafar Kausar
90年代中期問世的通用序列匯流排 (USB),現在已成為一種便利又普遍的互連技術,它簡化了將個人電腦和周邊裝置 (像是印表機、掃描器和鍵盤) 的連接線材的數量和多樣性。
作者:初級應用工程師 Muhammad Zafar Kausar
90年代中期問世的通用序列匯流排 (USB),現在已成為一種便利又普遍的互連技術,它簡化了將個人電腦和周邊裝置 (像是印表機、掃描器和鍵盤) 的連接線材的數量和多樣性。
作者:行銷總監 Jen Lee
隨著新版本標準獲得正式批准,數以千計的 OEM 業者賴以為生的方式,是為可能已成為舊型產品的裝置持續提供支援。
作者:電源產品商業開發經理 Ben Tang
電動功能是現今汽車的一大賣點,重要性可說比外觀或性能還高。駕駛輔助系統、動態輔助及資訊娛樂系統,包含透過最新的 Bluetooth® 及 USB-C® 介面提供連接功能或為行動裝置充電,是消費者購買決策過程的重要因素。
作者:初級應用工程師 Muhammad Zafar Kausar
By Megan Ruddy, Graduate Process Engineer
In the world of technology, we are continuously looking for innovative solutions that are renewable, eco-friendly, and sustainable. Consumers expect their products to be better, faster, and ideally, less expensive than what is already on the market.
By Kevin Wu, Product Marketing Manager
The latest generations of smartphones are utilizing twin- and triple-camera designs to meet the high expectations of today’s users, ranging from capturing flattering selfies to semi-pro shooting in support of digital businesses.
By Sheana Chen, Vice President, General Counsel, Sustainability Steering Committee
On March 4th, UNESCO’s World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development will again highlight the crucial role engineering plays in sustainability. Sustainability is a topic that receives attention at the highest levels within Diodes Incorporated (Diodes).
By Shane Timmons, Product Marketing Manager
Not only has LED technology all but completely displaced conventional incandescent light bulbs and fluorescent tube lighting, it is used far more extensively than any other forms of lighting technology that have come before it.
By Kai Ying, Sr. Product Marketing Manager
With more insurers now referring to data provided by telematics boxes (T-Boxes), fitted either by the manufacturer or supplied by the insurance company—the use of T-Boxes is on the rise. Alongside providing independent and verifiable data, T-Boxes are also responsible for the overall connected nature of modern vehicles.
作者:Diodes 公司資深行銷主管 Kay Annamalai
儘管現今 1000BASE-T Gigabit 乙太網路仍可為許多部門提供足夠的效能,但這樣的情況日後將可能有所改變。資料成長的原因很多,而 I/O 介面 (例如 DisplayPort™ 和 USB) 則提供了更大的傳輸量。