Brushed Motors Are Not Going Away
Even when not taking into account the electrification of the drivetrain, the number of electric motors in the average car is increasing significantly.
Even when not taking into account the electrification of the drivetrain, the number of electric motors in the average car is increasing significantly.
Emily Yang is a member of the Global Semiconductor Association. She also serves on the Women’s Leadership Initiative and is an industry mentor.
By Ernest Lin, Division Manager, AC-DC Power & Lighting (APL) Division
Most of us seem to end up with a drawer filled with old chargers, either for mobile phones, notebook PCs, or battery-powered home appliances and power tools.
By Macgyver Lee, DC-DC Marketing Manager
Today’s cars are computers on wheels: full of complex electronics which all must be powered. Nowadays, modern cars include at least 150 electronic control units (ECUs).
By Leo Zhang, Audio Marketing Manager
擁有音訊應用,代表隨處都能享受音樂與智慧技術:通勤者可在旅途中使用耳機聆聽音樂,而在家中的任何房間則可透過智慧喇叭,輕鬆與具備 AI 功能的個人助理溝通。
By Wonsoo Moon, System Engineering Manager
汽車內電子控制單元 (ECU) 等所有裝置的電力來源都是車內電池,因此容易受到電流尖峰或突波的影響,包括導通和關斷時的突波。此等敏感性催生電性損壞保護的需求。
作者:Jen Lee,營銷總監
PCI Express ®(或 PCIe ®)架構已成為服務器和存儲應用中首選的互連標準。雲基礎設施、邊緣設備、電信網絡、5G 基礎設施、嵌入式系統和移動應用程序中越來越多的面向性能的計算需求也依賴於 PCIe。
作者:初級應用工程師 Muhammad Zafar Kausar
消費者、工業及醫療等各類型的市場,皆需更輕薄短小、效能更高、功能更多、彈性更佳的裝置。業界推出的最新 USB Type-C® (或 USB-C®) 介面及 Power Delivery (USB PD) 即可滿足上述需求。
作者:初級應用工程師 Muhammad Zafar Kausar
90年代中期問世的通用序列匯流排 (USB),現在已成為一種便利又普遍的互連技術,它簡化了將個人電腦和周邊裝置 (像是印表機、掃描器和鍵盤) 的連接線材的數量和多樣性。
作者:行銷總監 Jen Lee
隨著新版本標準獲得正式批准,數以千計的 OEM 業者賴以為生的方式,是為可能已成為舊型產品的裝置持續提供支援。