Diodes Incorporated


Electrical Threats to USB Type C Ports and How to Prevent Them

USB Type-C 端口的电气风险及防范方式

作者:初级应用工程师 Muhammad Zafar Kausar

消费者、工业及医疗等各类型的市场,皆需更轻薄短小、效能更高、功能更多、弹性更佳的装置。业界推出的最新 USB Type-C® (USB-C®) 接口及 Power Delivery (USB PD) 即可满足上述需求。

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The Complexities of USB Type C and How to Handle Them

USB Type-C 的复杂性与操作方式

作者:初级应用工程师 Muhammad Zafar Kausar

90年代中期问世的通用串行总线 (USB),现在已成为一种便利又普遍的互连技术,它简化了将个人计算机和周边装置 (像是打印机、扫描仪和键盘) 的连接线材的数量和多样性。

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Why PCIe2.0 packet switches video cover photo

为什么 PCIe 2.0 数据包交换器是传统设计的安全选项,也是新产品可持续使用的选择

作者:营销总监 Jen Lee

随着新版本标准获得正式批准,数以千计的 OEM 业者赖以为生的方式,是为可能已成为旧型产品的装置持续提供支持。

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switching converters


作者电源产品商业开发经理 Ben Tang

电动功能是现今汽车的一大卖点,重要性可说比外观或性能还高。驾驶辅助系统、动态辅助及信息娱乐系统,包含透过最新的 Bluetooth® 及 USB-C® 接口提供连接功能或为行动装置充电,是消费者购买决策过程的重要因素。

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load switch video cover photo


作者初级应用工程师 Muhammad Zafar Kausar



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Megan Ruddy

Launching my Future in Engineering – Key Learnings about a STEM Career

By Megan Ruddy, Graduate Process Engineer

In the world of technology, we are continuously looking for innovative solutions that are renewable, eco-friendly, and sustainable. Consumers expect their products to be better, faster, and ideally, less expensive than what is already on the market.

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Flexible MIPI Switching in Multi Camera Smartphones and More

Flexible MIPI Switching in Multi-Camera Smartphones and More

By Kevin Wu, Product Marketing Manager

The latest generations of smartphones are utilizing twin- and triple-camera designs to meet the high expectations of today’s users, ranging from capturing flattering selfies to semi-pro shooting in support of digital businesses.

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Working for a better future Growing Stakeholder Value through investment in Sustainability

Working for a Better Future: Growing Stakeholder Value Through Investment in Sustainability

By Sheana Chen, Vice President, General Counsel, Sustainability Steering Committee

On March 4th, UNESCO’s World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development will again highlight the crucial role engineering plays in sustainability. Sustainability is a topic that receives attention at the highest levels within Diodes Incorporated (Diodes).

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The Case for a Constant Current

The Case for a Constant Current

By Shane Timmons, Product Marketing Manager

Not only has LED technology all but completely displaced conventional incandescent light bulbs and fluorescent tube lighting, it is used far more extensively than any other forms of lighting technology that have come before it.

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reliable timing is essential for telematics

Reliable Timing is Essential for Telematics

By Kai Ying, Sr. Product Marketing Manager

With more insurers now referring to data provided by telematics boxes (T-Boxes), fitted either by the manufacturer or supplied by the insurance company—the use of T-Boxes is on the rise. Alongside providing independent and verifiable data, T-Boxes are also responsible for the overall connected nature of modern vehicles.

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