Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions



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Industrial market icon 工业市场方面,我们的产品可适用广大产品应用范围,如嵌入式系统、精密调控与物联网;
Computing market icon 运算市场方面,我们尤以云端运算见长,包含服务器、储存装置与数据中心等产品应用;
Consumer electronics market icon 我们的产品可为消费性电子产品市场实现并强化物联网功能、穿戴式技术、家庭自动化系统与智能型基础架构;
Communications market icon 我们的产品为通讯市场增强智能型手机功能,最大化 5G 网络、进阶通讯协议与充电解决方案的效能。

为了替全球消费者提供高质量的产品与服务,企业的服务范围需能触及世界各地。而我们在全球各地持有逾 30 间工程、组装、测试与制造厂,地址遍布北美洲、欧洲亚洲,营运网络堪为业界翘楚。因此我们和消费者皆能完善检视并掌控从设计到生产的完整工作周期。您亦有机会考虑前往多个地区就业。



Apprenticeships - Oldham, UK

This apprenticeship program offers more than just a job, it’s the chance to join a global business.

Buyer - South Portland, ME

The Buyer supports the South Portland, ME team with purchasing requirements and reports directly to the site Procurement Manager.

Elektrofachkraft m/w/d – Neuhaus, Germany

Die Diodes Zetex Neuhaus GmbH ist ein Unternehmen der weltweit operierenden DIODES-Gruppe mit Sitz der Muttergesellschaft in Plano/Texas (USA).

Equipment Technician - Oldham, UK

The purpose of this role is to maintain, repair and improve wafer fab processing equipment in order to achieve departmental goals with respect to output, yield, cost and quality.

Failure Analysis Engineer - Milpitas, CA

We are seeking a Failure Analysis Engineer at our office in Milpitas, CA.

IP Counsel - Plano, TX

To develop, implement and optimize a comprehensive global IP strategy for Diodes

Oracle-EAI Application Specialist - Plano, TX

We're seeking an Oracle ERP/EAI Application Specialist to work on the design and development of software programs, testing, and day-to-day production support.

Praktika für Schüler und Studenten und Ferienjobs (m/w/d) - Neuhaus, Germany

Wir bieten Praktika für Schüler ab 14 Jahren und Studenten sowie Ferienjobs an unserem Standort.

Procurement Manager - South Portland, ME

This position oversees the supply chain management function related to the procurement of materials, parts, components, and equipment for the organization.

Staff Design Engineer - Milpitas, CA

Staff Design Engineer will perform independent integrated circuit level block design as well as simulation and verification using CMOS technology.

Technical Sales Manager – Minneapolis, MN

Diodes Incorporated is seeking a Technical Sales Manager responsible for supporting customer accounts in the North Central Region.

Halbleiter-Operator/Maschinenbediener m/w/d - Neuhaus, Germany

Die Diodes Zetex Neuhaus GmbH ist ein Unternehmen der weltweit operierenden Diodes-Gruppe mit Sitz der Muttergesellschaft in Plano/Texas (USA).