Diodes Incorporated — Analog and discrete power solutions

電壓轉換 / 電位轉換器 (ULS)

訊號標準不斷推陳出新,而電位也持續降低。由於許多產品皆具備雙向功能,並可從 1-bit 擴充至 +32-bit,同時支援 1.5 V 至 5 V 通訊電源,現今的設計工程師發現到,自己定期在尋求解決方案來解決這些混合產品應用之間的通訊問題。Diodes 生產各種可提供混合訊號(TTL、HSTL 及 SSTL)和多重供應電壓轉換(5 V、3.3 V、2.5 V、1.8 V 及 1.2 V) IC。

Universal Level Shifter / Voltage Translation (ULS) Details

Level Shifting

Pericom offers great chip-to-chip interface between different I/O voltages ranging from 1.5/1.8/2.5/3.3 V to 5 V, and 0.8 V to 2.5 V. These translators are scalable from 16-bit to 32-bits and beyond. See following page for product listing.

I/O Signal Translation

These devices provide the ability to convert between different I/O’s (HSTL to LVTTL or LVCMOS, SSTL to TTL, etc.) and are scalable from 12-bit to 32-bit and beyond.