Why a USB 2.0 Signal Conditioner Simplifies Design
USB 2.0 may seem like legacy technology, but the PI5USB212 ensures it meets all the demands of today’s applications while providing a simpler and lower cost solution.
USB 2.0 may seem like legacy technology, but the PI5USB212 ensures it meets all the demands of today’s applications while providing a simpler and lower cost solution.
For IoT or handheld devices, it is often essential to achieve very low power consumption. This has led to an increasing trend to reduce power supply voltages for electronic devices, since power losses in a conductor are proportional to voltage squared.
设计人员可使用超低压差 (LDO) 线性稳压器,来满足数字负载对于低输入电压及低输出电压的工作需求。
纵观现今电流监测技术的主要趋势,精度日益重要,要达到理想的精度,就需要具备例如 100μV低补偿电压的电流监测元器件(包括电阻分流器)。
LED 的使用已彻底改变各种产品应用的照明,大幅降低功耗同时提高可靠性。
随着新车用电子功能和产品应用日益增加 (例如先进驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS)、智能座舱、车载信息服务和信息娱乐系统),车内系统也必须跟上这些需求。