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DMJ70H1D3SI3 (Obsolete)

Inactive Datasheet Archive

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This new generation MOSFET is designed to minimize the on-state resistance (RDS(ON)), yet maintain superior switching performance, making it ideal for high efficiency power management applications.


  • Low RDS(ON) – Ensures On-State Losses Are Minimized
  • Advanced Technology for AC-DC Converters


  • AC-DC Converters
  • Backlighting

Product Specifications

Product Parameters

Compliance (Only Automotive supports PPAP) No
CISS Condition @|VDS| (V) 50
CISS Typ (pF) 351
ESD Diodes (Y|N) No
|IDS| @TA = +25°C (A) 4.6
|IDS| @TC = +25°C (A) N/A
PD @TA = +25°C (W) 41
PD @TC = +25°C (W) N/A
Polarity N
QG Typ @ |VGS| = 10V (nC) 13.9
QG Typ @ |VGS| = 4.5V (nC) N/A
AEC Qualified No
RDS(ON)Max@ VGS(1.8V)(mΩ) N/A
RDS(ON)Max@ VGS(10V)(mΩ) 1.3
RDS(ON)Max@ VGS(2.5V)(mΩ) N/A
RDS(ON)Max@ VGS(4.5V)(mΩ) N/A
|VDS| (V) 700
|VGS| (±V) 30
|VGS(TH)| Max (V) 4

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Product Change Notices (PCNs)

A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
PCN-2389 2019-02-05 2019-08-05 Device End of Life