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USB Charging Controller with Integrated Power Switch 1 Port for CDP and SDP Support

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Product Description

The PI5USB254x series is a USB charging port controller and power switch with an integrated USB 2.0 high-speed data line (D+/D–) switch. PI5USB254x provides the electrical signatures on D+/D– to support charging schemes listed under device feature section. This series is compatible with both popular BC1.2 compliant and non-BC1.2 compliant devices. System wake up (from S3) with a mouse/keyboard (both low speed and full speed) is fully supported in the PI5USB254x. Additionally, PI5USB2548 supports two distinct power management features, namely, power wake and port power management (PPM) through /STATUS pin. Power wake allows for power supply control in S4/S5 charging and PPM manages port power in a multi-port application. The PI5USB254x series 73-mΩ power-distribution switch is intended for applications where heavy capacitive loads and short-circuits are likely to be encountered. Two programmable current thresholds provide flexibility for setting current limits and load detect thresholds


  • Supports CDP/DCP Modes per USB Battery Charging Specification 1.2
  • Supports Shorted Mode per Chinese Telecommunication Industry Standard YD/T1591-2009
  • Supports non-BC1.2 Charging Modes by Automatic Selection
    • Divider-1A mode
    • Divider-2A mode
    • DCP-1.2V mode
  • Supports Sleep-Mode Charging and Mouse/Keyboard Wake up
  • Automatic SDP/CDP Switching for Devices that do not request for the CDP Ports
  • Load Detection for Power Supply Control in S4/S5 Charging and Port Power Management in all Charge Modes
  • Compatible with USB 2.0/3.0 Power Switch requirements
  • Integrated 73-mΩ (Typ.) High-Side MOSFET
  • Adjustable Current-Limit up to 3A(Typ.)
  • Operating Range:4.5V to 5.5V
  • Max Device Current
    • 2μA at Device Disabled
    • 270μA at Device Enabled
  • Device Package: TQFN 3.0x3.0-16L


  • USB Ports (Host and Hubs)
  • Notebook and Desktop PCs
  • Universal Wall Charging Adapters

Specifications & Technical Documents

Product Parameters

Analog or Digital? Mixed Signal
Configuration 1-Port
Differential Channels N/A
HotInsertion 0
Lanes N/A
OtherFeatures Controller+ Power Switch, Charging and Data Transfer
Rail-to-Rail 0
Signal Type N/A
Single Ended Channels N/A
Type N/A
Voltage 5

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Product Change Notices (PCNs)

A PCN may only apply to specific orderable part numbers in this datasheet. Please refer to the corresponding PCN to see the exact orderable part number(s) affected.

PCN # Issue Date Implementation Date Subject
PCN-2642 2023-09-05 2024-03-05 Device End of Life (EOL)
PCN-2510 2021-02-26 2021-05-26 Qualified Additional A/T Sites, Fab Site and Data Sheet Change