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16-bits IO expander

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Product Description

The PI4IOE5V9539 provide 16 bits of General Purpose parallel Input/Output (GPIO) expansion for I2Cbus/ SMBus applications. It includes the features such as higher driving capability, 5V tolerance, lower power supply, individual I/O configuration, and smaller packaging. It provides a simple solution when additional I/O is needed for ACPI power switches, sensors, push buttons, LEDs, fans, etc.

The PI4IOE5V9539 consists of two 8-bit registers to configure the I/Os as either inputs or outputs, and two 8- bit polarity registers to change the polarity of the inputted data. The data for each input or output is kept in the corresponding Input or Output register. All registers can be read by the system master.

The PI4IOE5V9539 open-drain interrupt output is activated and indicate to the system when any input state has changed. The power-on reset sets the registers to their default values and initializes the device state machine. The RESET pin causes the same reset/default I/O input configuration to occur without de-powering the device, holding the registers and I2C-bus state machine in their default state until the RESET input is once again HIGH.

Two hardware pins (A0, A1) vary the fixed I2C-bus address and allow up to four devices to share the same I2C-bus/SMBus.


  • Operation power supply voltage from 2.3V to 5.5V
  • 16-bit I2C-bus GPIO with interrupt and reset
  • 5V tolerant I/Os
  • Polarity inversion register
  • Active LOW interrupt output
  • Active LOW reset input
  • Low current consumption
  • 0Hz to 400KHz clock frequency
  • Noise filter on SCL/SDA inputs
  • Power-on reset
  • ESD protection (4KV HBM and 1KV CDM)
  • Offered in three different packages: TSSOP24 and TQFN24(4.0*4.0)

Specifications & Technical Documents

Product Parameters

Compliance (Only Automotive supports PPAP) Standard
Analog or Digital? Digital
Voltage 2.2V/5V
Single Ended Channels 16
Signal Type Single Ended
Configuration 16 bits
Ambient or Junction Temperature (°C) -40 to 85

Technical Documents

Recommended Soldering Techniques


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Application information, Evaluation board, and Other technical documents

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